Staying Safe Online
The internet is now part of our everyday lives. Children, young people and adults alike use it to learn, work, play and socialise via their computers, tablets, phones and games consoles.
The internet can be an interesting and fun place to spend time, it can also be a dangerous place if you are not sensible, responsible and don’t know how to stay safe online.
St Vincent’s has a E-safety team, consisting of staff and governors, who are committed to ensuring that pupils are kept advised, regarding staying safe, whilst embracing modern technologies.
Here are some sources of information and advice for pupils and parents:
CEOP’s Think U Know website
Some advice from BBC Newsround for young people
Stay safe online resource hub from CBBC
Cyber bullying advice from Childline
Parental awareness regarding Child Sexual Exploitation from Liverpool Children’s Services and Merseyside Police
Barnados ‘Real Love Rocks’ website, is an online space raising awareness around Child Sexual Exploitation and what a healthy and safe relationship is – http://www.barnardosrealloverocks.org.uk/
https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/ – Provides advice including share aware – keeping children safe on social networks, apps and games.
Complementary Documentation
Keeping children safe in education Part 1 – 1 September 2024 Update
Keeping children safe in education – September 2024