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The Power of Music

Below shows a collection of videos from Olney, Amazing Grace 250 and it's amazing 2023 conference and Emily singing at the Eurovision village in Liverpool 2023.

St .Vincent’s impact clip made for the Department for Education - Climate Action Unit training modules.

Dr Patterson talks to ‘The Guide’ and Liverpool One about St Vincent’s ‘Lets Go Zero’ Everyday Climate Heroes exhibition.

Dr Patterson gives a view to Liverpool One on what we can all do for climate and biodiversity.

Dr Patterson and teacher Mr Connor Mc Sorley discuss teaching and learning at the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II.

Dr Patterson introduces ‘Lighting pathways: investing in visually impaired creativity ‘ in the special edition of the Chartered College of Teaching IMPACT Journal.

Dr. Patterson discussing the collaborations between St Vincent's School and Liverpool John Moores University.

Talking all things curriculum and PgDip Teaching.

Dr. Patterson and Anthony Madden live on USA television discussing Reverse Inclusion.

Smart Sustainability - Reverse Inclusion: Pure Creative Brilliance On The Other Side

Huge thanks from St Vincent's school to Robin, Brenda Baynes and Liverpool Heartbeat for their continuing collaborative assistance and support with Sightbox and the school vision.

International Best practice from our sister city Surabaya.

Youth Climate Summit 2020   

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Youth Climate Summit 2020 is running from the 9th - 13th November 2020. The Youth Climate Summit is an engaging, free and accessible week of climate action and discovery for schools, with events hosted online throughout the week. The Youth Mock COP is running at the same time, and the Youth Climate Summit will complement and feed into this.

Schools from around the UK will be coming together for the Youth Climate Summit during what would have been the week of COP26 to take action to create a more just, sustainable world and make commitments and pledges for the planet.

St Vincent's will be taking part in both the Primary and Secondary Schedule. Click on the timetables below to find out when...


Click on the link below to find out more about St Vincent's input on the Youth Climate Summit and how you can participate...

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World Cities Day 2020 - Valuing our communities and cities

St Vincent's school's contribution for @UNHABITAT's World Cities Day 2020. Connecting Visually Impaired Innovation as agents of change for climate action with new trade and employability as we try to save the planet!

Kellogg's & St Vincent's Collaboration Success!


To mark World Sight Day, Kellogg’s is today launching Coco Pops boxes for blind and partially sighted people as a trial in almost 60 Co-op stores across the UK.

Through the journey Kellogg's has worked with such inspiring people who have supported the business in understanding the requirements needed for accessible packaging for those with sight-loss. A key voice was St. Vincent's School, a specialist school for sensory impairment and other needs, who presented what accessible packaging meant to them. Technology and braille came out as two key elements. Kellogg's is delighted to have incorporated their ideas in to its accessible packaging strategy.

Click on the image to the left to find out more...

Beth Fowler Speaking on North West Tonight about the St Vincent's & Kellogg's Collaboration.

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Click on the link to watch Emilio's interview for Sky News talking about the Impact of St Vincent's and Parkour Free Running

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Article from Peter Oliver  - Visually impaired young people at St. Vincent’s School are showing us how to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges – head on.

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Article from Peter Oliver - You can count the number of seeds in an apple; but you can’t count the number of apples in a seed.


Pearson National Teaching Award Winners 2020

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Sharing 'Journey for Peace' on Granda Reports.

Winners at the Educate Award 2019 for Innovation in Education.

The creative strengths of St. Vincent’s pupils are channelled into designing access to sports technology to facilitate inclusion, participation and friendship generation impacting on health and wellbeing. The ideas designed by pupils supported by Liverpool Hope University and Liverpool John Moore’s University ‘service-learning’ volunteers are placed as content for the physical SIGHTBOX including such ideas as a ‘boccia grid’ a ‘running line’ and’ I Rugby Ball’ alongside the traditional ‘ball with a bell’ . A surrounding curriculum links participation with entrepreneurial learning enabling pupils to demonstrate their employability and connect with further content design and research.


In collaboration with Rotary International and supportive school networks Nationally ( supporting Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural/ Citizenship curricula) , SIGHTBOXES have been bought and sent to VI schools from St. Vincent’s including Pakistan, India, Rwanda, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Kenya, Indonesia, China, Ethiopia, Nepal , Tanzania, Virgin Islands and Peru . St. Vincent pupils acting as the ‘trainers of the trainers’ are using

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communication technologies (facilitating thus more research and development in this area) to teach the overseas VI student peers how to use the content. Using the surround curriculum overseas schools are now asking St. Vincent’s to collaborate on making more sightbox content ideas generating new trade innovations in synergy with UN SDGS


Simultaneously, St. Vincent’s pupils are teaching local and national VI pupils how to use the content and working collaboratively to break down barriers towards inclusion.

#World Upside Down Campaign

Sharing our input for the 'Upside Down' Initiative highlighting the challenges many Visually Impaired people are experiencing while trying to social distance.  

'Journey FOR Peace'

  • This project is aimed at supporting 2020 Visually Impaired (VI) children and young people into employment by 2030.

  • Starting in Liverpool UK, this project aims at bringing people together via their school communities of learning through five simple steps adaptable to the school community your pupils learn within, but with the common goal of supporting and investing in VI young people around the world.

  • The project is aimed at connecting the UN SDGS 10 through our collaborative and connected ACTION.

Support us at home through our ‘Journey for Peace’ project. All details here:

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Lions Club International Peace Essay Winner 2019-2020  Joseph Critchlow. The theme for the contest was "Journey of Peace." Watch the full HD video from Joe's journey to New York!

St Vincent’s School
Yew Tree Lane
West Derby
L12 9HN
Tel: 0151 228 9968

Registered Charity No. 1102657

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Admitted to Liverpool City Council's Freedom Roll of Associations and Institutions on 8th April 2015.

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